Tuesday, November 24, 2020

"You can't get a little bit pregnant, son." What Lou Mannheim Could Teach The Watch Fair Organizers


The same folks who said that a portion of a brand's pre-paid fees for BaselWorld would shift to next year's fair, then changed that idea to a partial refund, then canceled next year's fair altogether, then hinted they would move to Lausanne with a new name (which also didn't come to fruition)... 

Then - SURPRISE!  They announced a new and improved "BaselWorld - the Revenge" fair under yet ANOTHER name, back in Basel!  Yes, still the same people, although now operating yet another banner.

And it appears to their way of thinking that the folks behind SIHH/ Watches and Wonders are a bunch of weenies. They see no reason that this fair won't happen. I mean, c'mon, it's WE TIME baby!

While it might indeed be "We Time" it is YOUR HEALTH, so you might want to put your faith in someone with some actual knowledge of public health and safety... 

I refer you to this reporting from Europa Star -


Ego is a curious thing, and it is more dangerous when coupled with a refusal to consider that maybe, just maybe, you will have to put your plans on hold for an additional 6 months for the sake of the public good.

I will leave you with the words of that other great commentator on the watch industry - Lou Mannheim as played by Hal Holbrook -

Wall Street, 1987 Directed by Oliver Stone. Charlie Sheen as Bud Fix (L) and Hal Holbrook as Lou Mannheim (R)

"The main thing about moneyBud, is that it makes you do things you don't want to do."

I strongly recommend travel insurance for next year. And remember - "You can't get a little bit pregnant, son."

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