Thursday, June 10, 2021

When Beige is Beguiling!

While everyone (including this guy) is still talking about the Red Radar that was announced yesterday, I spent a lot of time yesterday thinking about all of the brands that have come and gone in the past 20 years or so, and how rare it is for an independent concern like Bell & Ross to not only still be around, but to keep building on the success that they've achieved.

Now an obvious part of that is the watches. The watches have been, and continue to be, special. From the first one I ever clapped eyes on in person back in San Francisco in 2002 (which is not this one, but gives you the idea) -

Courtesy of Bell & Ross

My friend, Francis Zanetti, the man who originally coined the phrase - "The shit that killed Elvis!", was wearing one of these one day when I was making one of my weekly visits to Seregin's in San Francisco. Bell & Ross didn't necessarily resonate with me one way or the other at the time, but that chance encounter planted the seed that would grow into (if not an obsession), a very strong interest.

And what has continued to pleasantly surprise me, is that Bell & Ross has been anything but static.  While beige has continued to live on in the collection, it has continued to steadily evolve -

Courtesy of Bell & Ross
and evolve -

Courtesy of Bell & Ross
and evolve -

Courtesy of Bell & Ross
It is a rare thing when a brand can not only establish, but evolve and refine its design grammar to such an extent that if you took the Bell & Ross name and logo off of the dial, you would still know it. And that is rare, and is to be commended.

But anyone who knows me knows that I believe that a watch brand is more than just the products it puts out, it is also the people. Having spent time with the North American team, and visiting the HQ in Paris -

Courtesy of Bell & Ross
The people make Bell & Ross what it is. There are plenty of watch brands out there, but there is only one Bell & Ross.

Yes, I am a fan.  Yes, I am biased. And yes - Beige is BEAUTIFUL!

Enjoy your watches!

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