Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Seven Days with the Corum Bubble and Severin Wunderman

I have met a bunch of people since entering the watch business back in 2003. But there is one person, one man that I always wanted to meet, but sadly never did as he passed in 2008, 2 years before I moved from the brand side of the BaselWorld booth to the other side.   

Courtesy of Corum
When Wendy and I first moved back to the US in 2000, it was almost exactly the same time that Mr. Wunderman pulled off what is probably still the single greatest comebacks in the watch business when he hung up his apron at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf and moved back to running things with Corum.

And let's just say that he wasn't planning on playing it safe.  The Bubble stirred a lot of feelings - none of them neutral ; )

I personally loved it, and was probably the most irritating guest in the Corum booth when not unlike Mr. Wunderman, the Bubble made a stirring comeback of its own - and I caught a glimpse of one of the three new versions hiding under the drop cloth.

So yes, the next seven days will be about a review, but they will also about Mr. Wunderman.  

So stay tuned!

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