Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lockdown Repeat - Why Settle for Ordinary?

Why Settle for Ordinary?

I have been a big fan of Angular Momentum / Manu Propria since even before I started Tempus Fugit.

And I have written about Martin Pauli's work a fair bit.  In truth, the point of this blog is not to write about my personal collection, but there are three items of his creation that I personally own and continue to get great joy from so I thought I would share them.

Holding pride of place is the  Splendor Sangre -

This is from Mr. Pauli's Splendor collection.  The case measures 43 mm in diameter, the movement is a NOS hand winding movement. The dial is red lacquer and it is stunning.  It is warm, passionate, vibrant. And truly not every one's baby, but I adore it. And no, it is not political ; ) 

Apologies for the dust on the crystal, but that is what it actually looks like when it is actually on my wrist and actually being used.

A few years ago, Mr. Pauli diversified his offerings and began crafting pens.  And before you ask, no, these are not your typical pens.

Now it is important to understand that this is one of the earlier efforts - which I think is fantastic!  But like any true artist working with his hands, Mr. Pauli is constantly in pursuit of perfection and owing to this, he continues to push the envelope providing even more beautiful offerings with each pen he creates.

His latest creations can be found here -

And the last item is another story altogether. We have all heard of "wicked stepmothers" thanks to the folks at Disney, but I'm here to tell you that they do exist, although not necessarily in far off lands, but as near as Jackson, TN.  A pocket watch of museum quality that would make a wonderful addition to any institution's permanent collection that will probably never see the light of day again.  Promised to others it is held on to with grasping, clutching, unyielding hands, it will sadly likely end up in a pawnshop, hocked by a needy hillbilly relative of the aforementioned step mother. 

But sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns and create some new traditions. So step one was to find a pocket watch - which I did. A NOS model from the 70s/80s, branded Bucherer (as in the jewelry store, not the brand of today).  I showed it to Mr. Pauli at BaselWorld in 2014. I wanted something with the Martin Pauli aesthetic, but a bit "different".  And together we came up with the idea of doing the dial in blue with stainless steel indices and hands. And the result is truly unique, truly wonderful.

So this one will be passed on to a future member of "Team Henki", and will hopefully not end its days next to a tin of Skol in some backwoods meth lab.

Clearly, I'm not bitter ; )

I really treasure these three pieces because they remind me that this is the way things used to be, and frankly the way that they could still be.  Back before "sincerely authentic" heritage stores popped up and "fauxthentic" became the norm with hipster-hucksters trying to sell us a nickel for a dime.  And perhaps I am tired of all the bullshit being foisted on us in the name of "authentic" when I have no proof to balance against that claim.

The world needs more Martin Paulis out there, doing real things with their hands, creating mechanical treasures powered not only by gears and springs but by imagination. Taking the time to create unique, wonderful, timeless - and DURABLE watches and pens that will last more than just one lifetime. And I for one hope he keeps continuing to make wonderful things that have true quality, true beauty and true value. It helps balance all the "artisanal hyperbole" originating closer to home.

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