Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Love Letter to Besançon - part 1

Since I started Tempus Fugit nearly 10 years ago, I have had the good luck to travel to a lot of places, and see a lot of things that I would not have otherwise.  And this past week I had the very good fortune to re-visit one of my favorite places - Besançon, France.

While everyone points (and fairly so) to the valleys and small hamlets of Switzerland (you know, like that tiny place called Geneva) as the true home of authentic watchmaking, a watch making tradition just as rich lays just a short ways across the border in France.

Shamelessly borrowed from the Worldwide infoweb
Besançon has long been a center for watchmaking,  is home to a fantastic horological museum, an observatory that also issues a chronometre certificate, and one of the most bitchin' clocks you have ever seen -

It was the home for many years to Lip, until it wasn't. But just a short time ago, the Berard family acquired the brand, and brought it home to Besançon.

More on that to come.

In addition, Besançon is home to Utinam.

What Chronopassion is to unique and yet-to-be discovered horological brands, Utinam is to the small and growing French micro brands. It is a must see destination for anyone who is even a little bit interested in watches. 
Again, more to come.
Courtesy of Lip

So stay tuned, it's going to be fun!

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