Wednesday, July 5, 2023

The Transfer Window Might Be Opening...


You can get a much more detailed report from the folks at Watch Pro, who in turn cite an article from NZZ. Long story short, word around the campfire is that that "Arnault the Even Younger" - Frédéric Arnault is getting an upgrade and moving over to Bulgari in what is being referred to as a senior role. Neither LVMH or Jean-Christophe Babin seem to have much to say on the matter. 

On the upside for Julien Tornare, he will not have to move too far in this latest game of musical chairs as Le Locle is within walking distance to La Chaux-de-Fonds. Because if the rumors are to believed, he will be moving a few miles down the road to take over junior's spot at TAG Heuer. Who will "reach their star" (still the worst tag line ever) as the new CEO at Zenith remains to be seen, as Arnault the Elder may have run out of offspring.

So we shall wait, and we shall see.

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