Saturday, July 15, 2023

An Open Request to Bruno Belamich and Carlos Rosillo

Long-time follower, first-time letter writer. I don't normally write to brand founders with "fan-boy" like requests, but one of your previous watches has burrowed itself into my limbic system and will not let go -
Courtesy of Bell & Ross
The BR Space 3 GMT was, and continues to be, the Shit That Killed Elvis! Whether titanium (above), stainless steel (below) -
Courtesy of Bell & Ross
Even on rubber -
Courtesy of Bell & Ross

As the young kids used to say, it was soooooo drip! (that means cool, apparently).

I realize that 20 years is a long time ago, and life moves forward...

But with that said, PLEASE bring back the Space 3 GMT! 


James (really a grown-up) Henderson

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