Friday, February 17, 2023

Definitely NOT the Last Windup!

Two truly great watches from an American original - Dave Berghold of the Last Wind-Up.
Courtesy of Last Wind-Up

For those of you old enough to remember, way back around the turn of the century 2 guys formed what would become the Montana Watch Company. I do not know, and have not asked why they went their separate ways. Mr. Nashen continued on as the sole proprietor of the Montana Watch Company, Mr. Berghold focused on his business with the Last Wind-Up, and that was that. On a personal basis the newer (minus Berghold) iteration of the Montana Watch Company was a tough one for me to get behind owing to some of the marketing/ partnership choices as well as the use of...
Okay, maybe not Babar, himself. But elephant. The Montana Watch Company offered (and for all I know still offers) a watch strap made of elephant. And also in the past has supported a group that actively promotes trophy hunting. Longtime readers will note that I view individuals who travel thousands of miles and pay tens of thousands of dollars to shoot at large, slow-moving, endangered animals with about as much respect as frat boys liquored up on Red-Bull and Vodka who organize "Bum Fights" in the 7-Eleven parking lot. 

So needless to say, I was quite enthusiastic to hear about this new Montana based watchmaking project from CC Shermer of Jardur.

Courtesy of Dave Berghold Watches (DB Model 1A)

These are the first two models from Mr. Berghold's new collection, and they are very, very cool! The model pictured above is the DB Model 1A. The dial is enamel/painted from Germany. The Case is German (Ickler) as well. The movement is Swiss, the hands are French.
And this one is...currently sold out. I honestly do not know whether or not more will be made, but I certainly hope so as I was once again late joining the conga line.
Courtesy of Dave Berghold Watches (DB Model 1B)
Model 1B is a bit more of a modern take. Both are hand-winding with a small sub dial at 6 o'clock.

I will reach out to see if Mr. Berghold will favor us with an interview, but for those of you who might have missed it, these are both pretty swell timekeepers.

They are priced (I think) quite fairly at $1,950 US, and available from the Last Wind-Up in Bozeman, as well as from Long Island Watch Company.

With luck more details to come, stay tuned! 

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