Friday, March 18, 2022

Passing The Baton

Henki in Paris

When I started Tempus Fugit back in 2010, I was fresh off of three years working for DOXA (Synchron) and wanted to offer some different perspectives to what was out there in the digital realms of watch writing. In truth, Tempus Fugit was more "fan-boy" centric in the early days.

Over time, Tempus Fugit evolved to be more of a site that would offer some (occasionally) contrary views, and not necessarily serve up "feel good" warm and fuzzies about the industry at large.

And in the process, I was drawn more and more back into the watch industry as a consultant. So much so that I now feel that as I work on behalf of brands, it is no longer really appropriate for me to write about brands or releases. I have long believed that there is a clear demarcation between the press and sales/marketing. Although I do disclose all business relationships when writing about any potential, current or past client, I also feel that the time is right to step back and pass the baton to the next steward/s of Tempus Fugit.

Over the next weeks and months, you will see some changes, I hope changes for the better and ones that you will appreciate. There will be a shift to offer more enthusiast related content such as reviews, event coverage, etc.

I will still be popping in from time to time, offering a column on the watch industry from the inside. So although I am handing over the keys, I will still be here, the grumpy uncle, tilting at the occasional windmill ; )

I look forward to introducing you to the new managing editor in the coming days, so watch this space!

Why now?  It is not lost on me that I need to pay heed to the advice that I so copiously dispense, and I refer back to that other great commentator on the watch business, Barry Hearn -

Barry Hearn's Rule #10 - 

Know Your Sell-By Date

I am rounding the corner, heading towards 54 in July. I have been writing Tempus Fugit pretty much solo for the past (going on) 12 years. And to be honest? I am a dinosaur. What you, the readers should be looking for is not the same old shit coming from old farts like me. You should be looking for new voices with new perspectives and new opinions. It's time for the next generation to take the wheel and chart some new courses. And I think we're all in for a hell of a good trip!

And finally, I wanted to take this moment to thank all of you who have supported Tempus Fugit over the years. Whether as a watch enthusiast, a brand representative, designer, marketer, owner, or sales manager. It has been fun, feisty, informative and always interesting. I wish you all the very best of success moving forward.

Tempus Fugit!

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