Friday, September 11, 2020

Certified Pre-Owned

 From Chronoswiss -

Courtesy of Chronoswiss
Buying a pre-owned watch can be a crap-shoot. From pawn-shop to "purveyor of gently used timepieces", there is never the type of certainty that you might otherwise hope for. Which is really unfortunate because a lot of folks out there would love to own a fine watch, but perhaps don't have the money to plump for a brand new one, and would be quite happy with a pre-owned one if they could count on its authenticity and provenance - remember what happened to that famous watch authority and collector, John Mayer?

Chronoswiss has a great solution - Certified Pre-Owned.  Now unlike a few larger known outlets where they promise to correct it if it "isn't so", Chronoswiss actually makes sure it will be correct from the get-go. 

Your Certified Pre-Owned Chronoswiss will come from 2 primary sources:

1.  Watches from previous exhibits and trade shows (like BaselWorld, for example).  This is something that a few other brands have tried, and I think it is a positive idea. The watches are brought into the workshops, polished up, timing checked and corrected as needed.

2.  Watches that a customer might have traded in towards a new Chronoswiss.  

So for those of you out there like this humble social worker who would like to own a special watch and not go into massive debt to do so?  This is a wonderful option for you.
Courtesy of Chronoswiss

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