Sunday, September 6, 2015

Stakes is High - First Update - LONVILLE!

Courtesy of Lonville

And what can I say but THANK YOU Lonville!

And just like that, in less than 24 hours we have $1,100 in the pot, and $23,900 to go!

For those of you just tuning in, this year's Tempus Fugit Initiative is to raise $25,000 to aid those caught in the current humanitarian crisis due to the ongoing war in Syria.

Here is a link to the donation page -

It's a pretty straight forward proposition - we are asking as many different watch and luxury companies to make whatever donation (as small or large) as they can.  As simple as that.  Any individuals wishing to participate, I am working on some prizes that individuals who donate can be eligible to win.  For last year's Tempus Fugit Initiative we had a beautiful Frederique Constant manufacture model that was generously donated and went to a lucky participant.  With luck we can have something pretty cool for this year too.  Updates to come - stay tuned!

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