Thursday, August 6, 2015

Alpina's Tales of Daring-Do

When we think of "Lusty" tales of adventure and what watch might company these hearty souls, our minds race to a Rolex Explorer, a Panerai or possibly (if we're feeling nostalgic) an Eterna KonTiki.

I think one of the last things we'd put in the frame would be a "smart watch".  Well, I guess it's time for us to think again!  This just came in today from Alpina.

Courtesy of Alpina
I will let the nice folks from Nyon tell it in their own words -


Polar Explorers and Alpina Watches Ambassadors Børge Ousland and Vicent Colliard, complete the crossing of the Stikine ice-field unsupported, and measure their activity data with the Alpina Horological Smartwatch.

Polar exploration legend, Børge Ousland and young explorer Vicent Colliard have successfully accomplished the unsupported crossing of the Skitine ice-field, Alaska's southernmost ice field and one of Alaska's most difficult and dangerous glaciers, after having skied and walked ca. 170km in16 day's in very challenging and tough conditions.

It's their second successful glacier crossing, after the Main Spitsbergen Glacier in 2014; of the 20 glaciers they plan to cross over the next 10 years as part of the Alpina & Ice Legacy Project, to raise awareness and collect scientific data for the preservation of the world glaciers and the ancestral ice.

Read the day by day expedition notes and see all pictures:

Words and pictures by Børge Ousland and Vincent Colliard.

Courtesy of Alpina

Check it out for yourself - but once again, it seems a "smart watch" with some SMART applications.  I know that there are "nay-sayers" out there who don't feel that the limited functionality of the platform being used by Alpina and Frederique Constant is "smart enough" because apparently you can't stream "Game of Thrones" onto a screen too small to see.  To them I say that this is just smart enough for me!

And if anyone at Alpina/Frederique Constant is listening, I wouldn't mind having a chance to do a review...

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