Thursday, December 23, 2021

Heroes and Villains 2021 - The Heroes Part 1

As 2021 places its final orders before last call, it's time once again for the Tempus Fugit Heroes and Villains edition.

Let's start with the Heroes -

Hager Watches & Maryland Watch Works. Pete Brown is the owner of both of these enterprises. I am still (and will always be) a huge fan of Hager Watches.  And Pete is a personal friend. 

Hager came out with a super dope pair of         
pocket watches, this one being my favorite -
Courtesy of Hager Watches
Maryland Watch Works started business in earnest in 2021, taking on assembly work for several US based brands, and after-sales work for several European based brands. 

In their "spare time", they put together one of the only successful watch shows this year with the Watches, Whiskey, and Wine event in Hagerstown, Maryland -
And if that wasn't enough, they launched a now growing apprenticeship program that is already creating opportunities -
Photo Courtesy of Washington County, Maryland
The first apprentice is I'Kareem Buchanan, pictured between Eugene (left) and Pete (right). I had the opportunity to meet I'Kareem and see him in action and was very impressed. You can read more about him and the program here -
My professional life has been spent almost exclusively in education and professional development - creating and running career readiness programs. While my work life is now moving more towards the watch business, I am profoundly grateful that there are a few real heroes out there, doing more than making great time keepers -

They are actually helping young people make a future for themselves.  

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