So a bit of shameless self-promotion in the name of a good cause! It is World Rhino Day!
3thirty3 Watches -
For every 3thirty3 'Animal' watch purchased, we donate 33.3% of the total price (less taxes) to the International Anti-Poaching Foundation and VETPAW.
In addition, the 3thirty3 SPR (Save, Protect, Respect) watch was created as a "buy one/give one" watch, meaning that in the initial order one watch was donated to VETPAW team members for every SPR watch purchased. The remaining pieces will also be sold with the 33.3% donation going to the IAPF and VETPAW.
So take a few moments today to think about rhinos - they've been here for quite some time, but we may see their extinction in our lifetime if we don't act quickly.
3thirty3 Watches -
In addition, the 3thirty3 SPR (Save, Protect, Respect) watch was created as a "buy one/give one" watch, meaning that in the initial order one watch was donated to VETPAW team members for every SPR watch purchased. The remaining pieces will also be sold with the 33.3% donation going to the IAPF and VETPAW.
And whether you are shopping for a watch or not, please check out the folks working tirelessly to combat poaching and protect the survivors left behind -
International Anti-Poaching Foundation (IAPF) -
Veterans Empowered to Protect African Wildlife (VETPAW) -
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust -
Big Life Foundation -
Wild Aid -
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