Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Win a Watch!!!

Make a Donation - Win a Watch!

Leave it to the very, very kind folks at Tärnan!
Simple deal for all of the individuals out there who would like to participate in this year's Tempus Fugit Initiative -
Make a $25 donation to aid the Syrian refugees with humanitarian relief - food, water, medicine, and you will be placed in a draw to win not just any Tärnan watch - 
but serial number 1!

Here is the watch -

And if you're ready to lend some aid to people who need it, take $25 from your watch budget, or give up that afternoon coffee for one week ; )

And make your donation here:


Then - send an email to me at:
henkitime (at) gmail (dot) com
with your name and email address so that I can cross match it to thedonations.

We will then have a raffle, and select a winner for this watch (and 
other prizes that are being donated as I write this).
A closing word - the goal here is to help people who need BASIC 
things - water, food, medicine.  

I am in, the Lonville Watch Company is in, Wendy is in, and 
Georg of Germany is in.  And now the wonderful folks at Tärnan 
are in.

Who is with us?

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