Sunday, October 14, 2012

An Open Letter to Rolex

Dear Rolex,

I am writing to you to ask permission to see your sister collection - Tudor - here in the USA.

I know that you have been protective of her for some time, and I certainly understand and respect this.  But please know that we view your sister Tudor with the highest respect.  So much so that we often find ourselves making unnecessary trips to our own sister country (Canada) to visit Tudor.  It is almost starting to seem like an illicit affair.  One that we are willing to continue if we must, but frankly, we'd like your permission to see each other in broad daylight on this side of the border.

We love the Black Bay, the Pelagos - and most definitely the Advisor - by the way, wonderful film promotion for that one on your website.

So please Rolex, consider the sincere and heartfelt feelings of those of us here in the US.  Our intentions are entirely honorable, and we want to be able to court Tudor with your blessing,

And by the way, if you ever do decide to come here to the US and need a representative for the West Coast - I am ready to sing the praises of Tudor's virtue!


James Henderson
A no-longer secret admirer

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